Mortal Kombat 11 Aftermath: A Review
I love this game and I think it is the greatest fighting game ever made. Yeah, I went there. Aftermath is the expansion that was released back in May and it added even more to an already stellar game.
Leaked: Avengers Game to be Revealed at E3!
Back in 2017 there was a teaser that was released that there would be an Avengers game making its way into a video game at some point. With the completion of the movies, our patience and anticipation may finally be rewarded. There has been a leak that on June 10th, Square Enix will be officially announcing their Marvel Avengers game at E3!
A Super Co-Op Move!
Recently some major news hit the gaming world that has everyone excited. In fact, most people would say that this recent news would never happen - but it did! The two biggest rivals in gaming today, Sony and Microsoft, have announced that they will join forces to enhance their game streaming services! This news has the gaming world a buzz but what does this mean?
Should Next-Gen Consoles Focus on Graphics Anymore?
Today, new details were released regarding the Sony PS5 during an investor’s relations meeting. One of the details that emerged (not surprisingly) is support for 8K devices. On the surface it seemed obvious this was great news but the more I thought about it the more I started to ask the question, should the next-gen consoles be focusing their energy on improving the graphics?